This project presented unexpected challenges. Originally hired as a UI designer, I found myself without any specific design direction. I had to single-handedly devise both the user experience and the design for a product website featuring three distinct concepts: MetLife, Peanuts, and a non-branded option. All three concepts required responsive designs, and I had just five content sheets to work with, all to be completed within a week. 

I began by reviewing and organizing the available content. To ensure a mobile-first approach, I sketched and wireframed the mobile experience for all three concepts. Once these designs were approved, I extended the process to create the web experience for each concept, eventually producing UI mockups.
For the MetLife and Peanuts concepts, I leveraged assets and styles from their respective brand style guides, while crafting custom assets for the non-branded design.
The project demanded immense dedication, with me working 42 hours in just four days, all while commuting daily from Philadelphia to New York City. The end result was a successful concept that so impressed the client that they expressed interest in a combination of concept 1 and 3.
Concept 1
Metlife branded concept
Concept 2
Peanuts branded concept

Concept 3
None branded concept
Mobile View 
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