The Concept
I conceived HER, an e-commerce mobile app concept, which was born from the brand design I previously developed for a client’s hair website. This client had a deep involvement in the hair industry, even visiting the factory in China to source their products. This experience immersed me in the nuances of the industry and served as a powerful inspiration to create an urban hair WordPress template, filling a gap in the ThemeForest marketplace.
Drawing from the knowledge and research acquired during my client engagement, I meticulously crafted the brand. The process began with sketching out the app from inception to conclusion, followed by wireframing the screens. To ensure precision and user-friendliness, I created UI mockups and reviewed them on my
mobile device.
Once the design phase was completed, I transformed the concept into a lively prototype. Additionally, I extended my creative efforts by developing print collateral, including stationery and product packaging.
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